Mike’s Pest Control is completely licensed and insured to bring the residential and commercial customers in Odenville, Alabama with high quality services. You can have the peace of mind that our certified experts are efficient being licensed and insured. Among the many services we offer, our certified professionals include tick control services. With the expertise of Mike’s Pest Control specialists using effective products and equipment, you can rest assured in the efficient results we deliver. Tick control is among the many services provided and when you have a tick infestation, or want to prevent it, you can count on Mike’s Pest Control.
Tick Borne Diseases
Ticks are more than an annoyance in Odenville, Alabama and surrounding areas. They are a significant health risk. A single tick can lay 3,000 eggs. Throughout Alabama, Odenville included, the common ticks are Lone Star Ticks, Deer Ticks, and American Dog Ticks. Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses and parasites. They are responsible for transmitting Lyme disease, rickettsiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Southern tick-associated rash illness, and tularemia. When it comes to tick control, you need Mike’s Pest Control to ensure the problem is effectively dealt with.
Lone Star Ticks
Being reddish brown and looking a slate gray when engorged, while females bear a white star on their back, they start with 6 legs as larvae but will develop 8 legs by adulthood as they belong to the arachnid family. Though the males are considerably smaller, females average about ¼ inch long and ½ inch when engorged.
American Dog Ticks
These oval flattened shaped dog ticks have brown with whitish, gray markings. With 6 legs as larvae that develop to 8 legs into adult stage, these ticks average 3/16 of an inch.
Black Legged or Deer Ticks
Female black legged ticks are roughly 1/8 of an inch long and males, smaller only average 1/16 of an inch. Both male and female bodies are flat and oval. Females are an orangish brown color where the males are reddish brown, much like the color the engorged female.
Residential & Commercial Pest Control Services in Moody, Ashville, Springville, Trussville, Leeds, Pell City, Birmingham, Pinson, Argo, Margaret & Greater Odenville, Alabama
Mike’s Pest Control can handle all your pest control needs. Contact us for an inspection and custom pest control plan today!