Alabama is home to a variety of spider species that thrive in its warm and humid climate. From tiny house spiders to the strikingly large tarantulas, the state offers a rich diversity of arachnids. Mike’s Pest Control offer a detailed overview of some common types of spiders you might encounter in Alabama below.
Black Widow Spider
The black widow is one of the most recognized spiders in Alabama, known for its shiny black body and distinctive red hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen. This spider is venomous, and its bite can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, and other symptoms. Black widows are typically found in dark, undisturbed areas like woodpiles, basements, and sheds. While their venom is potent, bites are rare and often occur only in self-defense.
Brown Recluse Spider
Another venomous spider found in Alabama, the brown recluse, is light brown with a violin-shaped marking on its back. These spiders prefer secluded, dry, and undisturbed spaces such as closets, attics, or under furniture. While their bite is not aggressive, it can lead to necrotic wounds that require medical attention. Brown recluses are shy and will only bite if provoked.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are among the most common spiders in Alabama. They are large, hairy, and often mistaken for tarantulas. Unlike web-building spiders, wolf spiders are ground-dwelling hunters who rely on their speed and excellent eyesight to catch prey. These spiders are harmless to humans, although their size can be intimidating. They are commonly found in gardens, under rocks, and around homes.
Orb-Weaver Spider
Orb-weavers are known for their intricate and symmetrical webs. These spiders come in various colors, shapes, and sizes, with some species featuring brightly colored markings. Common orb-weavers in Alabama include the yellow garden spider recognizable by its bold black-and-yellow patterns. Orb-weavers are non-aggressive and beneficial for controlling insect populations.
Jumping Spider
Jumping spiders are small, compact, and known for their excellent jumping abilities. They have distinctive large, forward-facing eyes that give them acute vision. These spiders are curious and active hunters that stalk and pounce on their prey. They are harmless to humans and are often found on walls, windowsills, and plants.
Southern House Spider
The southern house spider is a common sight in Alabama homes. These spiders are often mistaken for the brown recluse due to their similar appearance, but they are harmless. Southern house spiders build webs in corners, windows, and other areas where insects are likely to get trapped.
Tarantula Spider
Although not as common as other spiders, tarantulas can be found in some parts of Alabama. These large, hairy spiders are slow-moving and non-aggressive. Their bite is harmless to humans, though their appearance may seem intimidating.
Spider Pest Inspections, Control, Removal & More in Moody, Ashville, Springville, Trussville, Leeds, Pell City, Birmingham, Pinson, Argo, Margaret & Greater Odenville, Alabama
Not very many people enjoy seeing spiders in their homes. It is best to keep them outdoors and away from people. If you are noticing spiders, or other pests such as insects and rodents in your home, do not hesitate to give Mikes Pest Control a call. We can help stop the spiders from going into and around your home as well as eliminate the insect diet luring them in!